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DVD burning problem


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I am a newbie and using ver 5.1 I have manged to successfully burn some AVs to disc and play them in my dvd player, yet with this latest project im having trouble and i dunno why, basically the file plays fine on the comp and when its burnt to disc when viewed on the tv or the comp i have pics on top of each other bleeding into each other very jumpy transitions i am using Roxio to burn the disc, and have tried using varying brand of disc all which werent any good, Ive used Roxio on my other AVs with no prob so i dunno what the prob can be and as i said the file plays fine on the comp.

One other question in the timeline box I have the "Sync music and slides" highlighted and also "Auto spread slides along music" highlighted. what is the difference?

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One other question in the timeline box I have the "Sync music and slides" highlighted and also "Auto spread slides along music" highlighted. what is the difference?

Synchronize music and slides, when ticked, will ensure that, if you begin your Preview from a slide other than the first slide, then the music track is positioned to the proper place. For example: you begin a Preview from slide 5 at 45 seconds into your sequence; the music begins playing from 45 seconds into the music.

Auto spread slides along music, when ticked, means that your slide timings (as set by Project Options...Main tab or by Customize Slide) will be ignored and PTE will take the number of slides and divide this into the length of the music in order to determine how long each image will appear on screen. The effect of "Auto-spread" cannot be viewed in the mini-player area of the main window. It ca only be viewed during full-screen Preview or in a Created file.



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...The effect of "Auto-spread" cannot be viewed in the mini-player area of the main window. It can only be viewed during full-screen Preview or in a Created file.




Peter... We have been through this discussion before so if I have forgotten something, let me know. :blink: But, I don't understand your last statement, "The effect of "Auto-spread" cannot be viewed in the mini-player area of the main window. It can only be viewed during full-screen Preview or in a Created file." Are you sure?

I don't think I have seen that the mini-player does not show the 'Auto-spread' effect. However, I always go into the Timeline/Timed Points and click on Arrange All Points which will actually re-do the 'Auto-spread' effect and reposition all the slides if you have added/deleted slides in the process of making the show. This, I think, will then show the correct 'Auto-spread' effect in the mini-player (and maybe Preview and Create???). I think that when someone uses the Auto spread slides along music, they MUST do the Timeline/Timed Points/Arrange All Points dance to insure all the slides have been spaced evenly across the music. Please correct me if I am wrong...


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Yeh, you and I have been here before!

Timeline/Timed Points/Arrange All Points applies, on a permanent basis, the effect that Auto spread slides along music gives on a temporary basis. This means that if you have a show built with, let's say, a default time interval of 4 seconds and you do only Auto spread then, when you save your project, the slide intervals remain at 4 seconds. If, instead, you do Arrange all points, the durations are re-calculated and these new values will be the ones saved when you do the save of the project. If you do only Auto-spread then the effect can be seen only when you do a full-screen preview. If you do Arrange All Points you have actually changed the slide duration values and therefore the results can be seen in the mini-player as well as in full-screen preview.



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Ok...I just did a test and, yes, I see your point that the mini-player will show the 'autospread' effect only initially. And, then, if images are added to the slidelist, for example, the music will not automatically be re-spread over the new longer number of images in the slidelist. The music will stop right where it stopped originally and the remaining slides will have no music played as the slides are displayed. From what I read, it seems that this is OK and normal, and this is the way it should be.

However, this, to me, is a bug or major defect in the program. Why shouldn't the program automatically re-spread the music over the new number of images when you have the Auto spread slides along music selected? If PTE re-spreads the music for Preview, I think it should do this for the mini-player too. This would remove the requirement to have to go into the Timeline to do the Timed Points/Arrange All Points steps. I think the way it is only causes confusion to, especially, new users who have no idea how to use the Timeline, (like I had been).

It if can't be made to do it automatically, I would suggest that, if b]Auto spread slides along music is selected, anytime an image is added or removed, a button should pop up to allow the user to 're-spread' the slides along the music without having to get into the Timeline menu to go through the Timed Points/Arrange All Points to do this.

Thoughts??? Gary

Added later: And also, if you have music that lasts, say 2 minutes, and all the slides are spread over that time, and then you dump many slides leaving the slides that played up to the, say, 30 seconds point, the mini-player will just stop playing the music at the 30 second mark and the user will just wonder what happened. Does not make sense to me.

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I have to agree with you. If the user has ticked Auto spread and then either adds or removes slides, PTE should, ideally, re-spread or at the very least, give the user a pop-up reminder that the slides need to be re-spread.




Peter....Yaaahoooo!!! That's 2 of us. I am going to put your succinct rephrasing of the problem in the Idea forum.

Thanks... Gary

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