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Timeline Query


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I have a query on something that happens when I am using the timeline view which I find very annoying and frustrating and wonder if there is something I haven’t set that causes the problem.

If I have a slide on the timeline near the right hand edge of the screen for which the transition (i.e. the grey line) is not completely shown, if I click on the slide number oblong the whole timeline moves along and the pointer is placed at the end of the transition for the slide selected at the left hand edge of the screen. I have clicked on this slide because I want to do something with it, I would expect if anything were to happen thet the slide number oblong would move to the left hand edge of the screen. It is especially annoying if I have selected that slide to drag along the time line as I then find I am dragging the wrong slide.

Am I missing something?

Tony Falla

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I too had been frustrated by this action.

However, I wonder why we have the option to switch Type 1 & 2 off.

If it is simply to work around a problem then it actually creates another problem.

With both turned off you have now idea which slide NUMBER you are viewing at any time. You know the slide file name and size from the bar along the bottom. A box indicating the SLIDE NUMBER would resolve this issue.

Peter, with Type 1 the cursor moves from left to right and jumps back to the left when it reaches the end of the line and with Type 2 the cursor stays in the centre and the slides move from right to left (or is it left to right?).

The point is that when switched off the slides remain static and the cursor moves off the right hand side and goes walk-about and you have no idea where it is!

Thanks both for clarifying this for me. Hopefully Igor will pick up on this and perhaps offer an explanation in case I am still missing something.



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