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Time Line and Slide view windows

Mike Reed

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I realise that there is a relationship between the time line and slide view windows e.g. click on a frame number in time line and the slide will be highlighted in slide view and vice versa. But is there any way to make the window position jump to the same point so that when you switch from one to the other you are in sync. It seems to me that the position in the window is set by where you were last in that particular window. This is not easy to explain but I hope I have made my wish clear.

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You certainly have made you wish clear; and I'm fairly sure it is a wish shared by many users of PTE. Perhaps, at this time of year, Santa's helpers might be able to help Igor make our wishes come true?



Thanks Guys

I was begining to think I had missed something simple. Igor please take note of our wishes if at all possible in the new year.

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