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Hi Igor,

When creating "HD Video for PC or Mac" I am getting the attached error message at the end of the creation of the video EVERY time.

The video is created and plays but the message appears every time.(Windows XP SP2).



Sorry, I didn't understand. I need the project files in ZIP archive to reproduce this problem.

Happy Christmas! Holiday Igor !

Igor I go and download PteShow 8 MB (ready EXE file) Sources

Paints of Summer 11 MB (ready EXE file)

Light of the Far Worlds 27 MB (ready EXE file)

from the http://www.wnsoft.com/download.htm but all of them is worked only my project1.exe sometimes not always encounters to

ApplicationError . please do a work ! :(





Hi Igor, Peter;

I have made a slide show, and I wanted to add more than one chapter to the slide show. Can you tell me how to do that, because I can't seem to see anything on the menus to tell me what adds a chapter in the slide show. Even when I am creating a menu, I still can't see anything that allows me to add chapters.

I have Adobe Encore DVD 2.0, that allows me to add chapters quite easily. But with this program, I am finding my self getting a pit frustrated. I know there has to be a way, it is just that I can't find it. Can you help me please? :(





4- Unfortunately PicturesToExe cannot produce AVI video file of presentation which contains MIDI music. Please visit Project options | Music tab and remove file with .mid extension. But you can add MP3, OGG, WMA or WAV music files.(In PTE )
We can't convert MIDI to audio track of video file.
Your Software don't support Align Right for languages such as Farsi and Arabic that start from Right to left
When we finish v5.6, please send me screenshots how to correctly support this mode. I'm afraid it would be a long work.
only my project1.exe sometimes not always encounters to

ApplicationError .

I've downloaded your project and I'm trying reproduce that issue.

1) Did you test for same problem previous version 5.5 on this project file?

2) Will this problem happen again if you replace MIDI music with MP3 music?


Thanks. Please say me what full path to .pte project file you tried export to video? (For example, "C:\Shows\Project.pte").


Hi Igor,

Full path:

Z:\PTE Templates\Oberissalm1920.pt\MPEG TEST\Project1.pte

P.S. I transferred the images to Z:\Temp\MPEG TEST\Project1.pte and tried agan and DID NOT get the error message.


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