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I want to produce a Slideshow to run on an Apple Mac. I tried using PTE 5.6 to produce a HD MP4 but the results are embarrassingly jerky. I see that others in the forum have the same problem.

The results are equally bad on both a PC and a Mac Pro.

Any suggestions as to how to produce an acceptable show to run on an Apple Mac ?



The results are equally bad on both a PC and a Mac Pro.

Most like you and your Mac users players dont have fully compatible h264 decoders to properly play this HD Video format.

Download Pte User Guide for v5.6 from Pte Help menu.

See bottom p12 of Guide ... I Have a problem with playback of HD Video


I have a new iMAC with Vista as second OS. So fare it works fine. You can play the exe files under Vista in execelent qualitiy.

Luc M


It won't happen quickly. It takes considerable time to code everything for the Mac OS. As I recall, this may occur in stages. The first stage "may" happen in 5.7 when there will be output in native Mac OS generated on the PC version. Later, when the developers have sufficient time to code and debug it, a Mac Version of PTE may be scheduled.

Best regards,




Why don't you download a trial copy of this and see how it handles PTE and executable output?



  Steve Mullarkey said:
I want to produce a Slideshow to run on an Apple Mac. I tried using PTE 5.6 to produce a HD MP4 but the results are embarrassingly jerky. I see that others in the forum have the same problem.

The results are equally bad on both a PC and a Mac Pro.

Any suggestions as to how to produce an acceptable show to run on an Apple Mac ?



I have run PTE and its .exe output files under Fusion and Boot Camp on my Mac. PTE files run jerkily under Fusion but are fine under Boot Camp.

I tried the MPEG output files on the Mac with QuickTime and also the free VLC app but both gave jerky results.

It would be good to have a PTE output that would run directly on the Mac. When I saw "HD Video for PC and Mac" as an option with PTE 5.6 I thought that this would generate something I can run directly on the Mac under OSX. Unfortunately the Pan and Zoom effects, though quite gentle in my slide-shows are still jerky.

There is a slide-show program for the Mac, Photo Magico. I haven't tried it but I looked at the web-site, http://www.boinx.com/fotomagico/overview/, the feature set looks quite limited when compared with PTE.

I am hoping the Mac version of PTE arrives sooner rather than later.


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