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It seems that PTEv5.6RC does not rename correctly slides for project files prepared with V5.5.

I wanted to rework a project which had been prepared with V5.5. I opened this project with V5.6RC. If I rename slides in the slide list, modification are not taken into account for those slides included within the Timeline and a window pops up with "errors found" list. And so PTE v5.6 renaming function does not work for project files prepared with v5.5.

Nota : there is no problem for new projects prepared with V5.6 as far I as know (I have not yet tested everything!). Can this probblem be fixed with final v5.6 version?




I might be completely misunderstanding your question (!) but if you rename a slide in the slide list surely you would need to re-direct the path in

O&A / Properties / Picture


Renaming would only work BEFORE you add a slide to the project (I think!!).



I might be completely misunderstanding your question (!) but if you rename a slide in the slide list surely you would need to re-direct the path in

O&A / Properties / Picture


Renaming would only work BEFORE you add a slide to the project (I think!!).


Hi Dave,

yes you are right, that was the case with v5.5 no longer (as far as Iknow) with v5.6RC with v5.6 when you rename a slide in the slide list the renaming is acheieved where the slide was used in your project, this is much better, saving time and avoiding a lot of mistakes.



I tried renaming a slide in the slide list (5.6RC) and it threw up the ERROR (it could not find the slide) - if I redirect in O&A all is well.

I guess that's what you are refering to?



Yes Dave,

that does not work if your project file was initialy created with v5.5; neither if you open it with v5.5, neither if you open it with v5.6RC.

But if you create a new project file with v5.6RC, you can rename a slide (used in the timeline) in the slide list panel and you will see that v5.6RC has renamed the file everywhere in the timeline and in O&A properties as well except in the objects list but I guess that there is no problem with that. Even if you save your project in a zip file you will see that renaming has worked perfectly but only for project initialy created with v5.6RC and none for those created with v5.5.

Do you understand what I mean?


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