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Registration Key


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From what I have read recently with numerous people having lost / mislaid or can't find their Registration Keys it seems to have been sent out by WNSOFT in more than one format?

This has resulted in different advice from different people when the question arises: "How do I find my Registration Key" or "How do I register my software"?

My experience was this:

I believe that WNSOFT sent mine in the form of a "reg.txt" file. (It was a loooong time ago!).

The advice I was given at that time (for a NEW installation) was to put the "reg.txt" file in the folder that PTE created in Programme Files. Then, when asked for the key to authorise a NEW installation, all I had to do was point PTE in the direction of the folder containing the "reg.txt" and the rest was done for me - SIMPLE!

I have done this three times with new computers using the same methodology each and every time with no problems.

During this process and the transfer of the "reg.txt" from computer to computer my key can be found in many locations on each of the three computers.

NOW, the question is this - did your experience of receiving the registration key differ from mine?

If so, how did it differ? Did it arrive as a "reg.txt" or something different?


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Hi Dave,

I purchased PTE in the second half of 2007, and I received the key (as Peter describes in his FAQ) as part (bottom lines) of the registration e-mail from WnSoft, looking like:




The mail referred to an attachment and explained how to load the key, but the attachment was not included. So, I generated it myself, copying the bottom lines of the e-mail into a text file.

Best regards,


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Hi Dave,

I bought my PTE licence in 2005 and received an e-mail with a reg.txt file as an attachment.

My working practice in respect of software that I download from the Internet is to place all the downloaded files (the zip files or whatever format they are packaged) in a special folder called, would you believe, Downloads. When building a new computer I simply copy all the contents of Downloads folder over to a Downloads folder on the new computer. Then I reinstall the software that I want using these files.

Back in the summer of 2005, I saved the reg.txt file into the Downloads folder. Then, when PTE asked me to register, I simply pointed PTE to the Downloads folder. It picked the key up and installed it into the registry with no problems.

Each time since then, when building a new computer I have simply copied the entire Downloads folder onto the new machine, installed the software products that I wanted onto the new computer and then, for PTE, followed the same steps that I took in 2005 to re-register the product.

Since 2005 I have had PTE installed, at various times, on three different PCs: my original laptop, then my current desktop PC, and finally removed from the old laptop and installed on a new laptop. All of this with no problems.

But, anyone reading this needs to factor in that I am an ex-IT techie. I understand what is happening and know what I am doing (well, most of the time!)

I am aware of at least three individuals locally who have had problems sorting out what to do with the information that came from WnSoft (one of whom is currently in active discussion with Alena at WnSoft, trying to resolve his problem).

It is true that all the e-mails that I have seen have been written implying the presence of an attached file. But in all the cases I know of other than my own, the e-mail had the REGEDIT command and data embedded at the foot of the e-mail text and no attached file. This is undoubtedly confusing for the user.



P.S. As I have been writing this post I have thought of an alternative delivery mechanism for the PTE key. Could WnSoft hold the Key for each user on their server and simply send in the e-mail a link that the user can use to download the txt file? In this way, the PTE keys would always exist and could be retrieved again at anytime. If the original link information was lost, the user would have to satisfy WnSoft of their "bona fides" (but that has to be the case right now with "lost" keys. WnSoft have to separate the "scammers" from the "legitimates"). It's just a thought and I don't know how much merit it might have. Sorry if this has "hi-jacked" the original intent of your thread, Dave.

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The mailing procedure of registration files has changed a few times over the years.

Mine came as a attachment Pte.key and all you had to do was double-click the file.

But nowadays the mail providers restrict and even remove such file attachments as they deem harmful or a security risk.

Once received ... even some users own administration settings restricted the use of running key files on their PC.

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Hi Peter,

Your experience was the same as mine but we seem to have three different methods already.

In view of the problems which keep cropping up would you consider updating the FAQ to take each into account?

Also, the difference between the original "reg.txt" and the "VideoBuilder_Regkey" could, perhaps, be emphasised to those who are having difficulties?


P.S. Thanks to Stu and Xaver. Any more?

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in 2000 they sent me a pte.reg key and it was just a matter of double clicking it to install


many e mail programs including google mail and hotmail etc will not accept reg extensions as well as many other common extensions

so i believe wnsoft went to the text registration

i think that if you copy and paste the line of text out of the mailer program into notepad and save it as pte.reg then all you have to do is double click it answer yes to the questions and goes into your registry

then save all correspondence including the reg key to a floppy, cd dvd memory stick etc and put it where you easily access it - btw i have to check my hiding place as well :)

this procedure has been repeated many times on the forum -

Nobeefstu has written a procedure ,


guru has a description on how to do it on his website


+ a few more




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... Could WnSoft hold the Key for each user on their server and simply send in the e-mail a link that the user can use to download the txt file ...


what do you think about the method used by Aquasoft (German slideshow software): There doesn't exist a registration key. The users obtain a customer account and can only download the software via this account. In this case, a separate tryout version had to be provided.



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Thanks Ken.

In spite of what you say we keep getting people with problems with reg keys.

It must make sense if all of the different tutes were brought together under one umbrella article that we could point to when people are faced with these difficulties.


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Hi Dave

I purchased last year and recieved a "txt" file which I placed into the same folder as pte which was placed in program files, I had no problem in installing. I then decided to upgrade which as you know includes videobuilder, the new reg was also a "txt" file and I just replaced the old "txt" file with the new one



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...I just replaced the old "txt" file with the new one...

In that case, Ralph, you no longer have a copy of your base PTE registry key outside of your registry file. The PTE base key is a separate entity to the Video-Builder key.



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Guest Yachtsman1
Hi Ralph,

That's a little different.

My VideoBuilder_Regkey, when extracted from the ZIP folder is a little icon (Type: Registration Entries).

Not a txt file?


P.S. Ken - What's a "floppy".

"P.S. Ken - What's a "floppy".

You'll find out when you get to my age :blink:


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The advice I was given at that time (for a NEW installation) was to put the "reg.txt" file in the folder that PTE created in Programme Files. Then, when asked for the key to authorise a NEW installation, all I had to do was point PTE in the direction of the folder containing the "reg.txt" and the rest was done for me - SIMPLE!

I can tell that's can be more complicated than you can imagine:

- Angry viruses ate my computer.

- The lightning burnt my computer.

- My computer was stolen!

It's better to keep registration key on a CD marked as "VERY IMPORTANT THINGS" or something like that. :)

From what I have read recently with numerous people having lost / mislaid or can't find their Registration Keys it seems to have been sent out by WNSOFT in more than one format?

They can be sent as *.txt and *.key format (in ZIP or not archived). But you should remember that there are many ordinary users among those who prefer PicturesToExe to other pieces of software. It seems they always used to enter a code number to register a program, it is simple. That's why they can't understand "where to enter this loooooooooooong line of characters".

New people purchase the program every day. So "How to register?" topic stays actual.

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