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Hi all.

I've just finished creating my first presentation, to be used/viewed at a very large week-long boat show here in Seattle.

Using version 5.5 deluse of PicturesToExe was excellent, once I understood the basics for simple pan and zoom. It's SUCH a fantastic application!!!

But - ran into a behavior I need to better understand.


  1. 160 slides, with a soundtrack of two songs, exactly 11:00 minutes long.
  2. I want the slide show portion to be the same time length as the sound track.
  3. I have customized 25 of the slides to have longer display times, some with pan and zoom animation.
  4. All slides have the same fadein/fadeout transition, just their display times that varied.

If I selected the project option to spread the slides' play time to forcibly match the time length of the sound track, I lost all the time settings of the 25 customized slides. This was true, even if I selected "use customized settings" on a per-slide basis.

If I don't use that project option, then I have to manually update the times of all the slides, look at the overall presentation's play time, and match that to the soundtrack's play time.

Is there a way to get the best of both worlds here (both customized timeframes's time frames + still have the overall presentation match that of the soundtrack)?

Hope the question makes sense...

Many thanks,


In the timeline select the 135 slides other than the 25 fixed time slides by clicking on the first and shift-clicking on the last. (I am assuming a contiguous selection).

Go to "Timed Points" and select "Arrange Selected Points". The 135 slides will spread along the allocated time.

This should create your 25 slides at your preset time and the remainder timed by "fitting" to the remaining time.


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