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changing image folder paths


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I have a folder called 'slide show images'. Inside that folder I have other folders for individual slide shows. I recently moved the entire 'slide show images' folder to another drive and now I'm getting the "Image not Found..." message in the slide preview window.

Is there any simple way of reseting the folder path to these images?

thanks for any help,


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I'm not aware of any facility to do what you ask. My solution to your problem would be to start again and:

- create the new top level folder on the target drive

- drag and drop each of the individual slide show folders across to sit under that new top level folder

I regularly copy individual slide show folders to and fro between two different top-level folders with no problems. I also regularly copy them onto and off a USB memeory stick in order to move them from one PC to another.



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thanks for the suggestions.

Since I don't have many shows yet, I've found that I can change the path to individual images by using the Properties tab in Objects and Animation and then change the drive letter for the picture path. With just a couple of shows, this won't take too long. I was hoping there was a "change path" command for the entire project but I suppose that wouldn't be practical if one had images scattered in several folders.


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Here's my simple technique for handling my PTE shows.

1. I save every show I create in zipped format by going to File ->Create Backup in zip.

By doing that, all the slides I have used for the show are automatically copied together in that one folder. I don't have to worry about which folders the originals are in.

2. Whenever I want to run a show I simply unzip it to wherever I like. It will always run, with no path errors.

3. If I feel the need to, I sometimes also add other project related files to that zip folder, for completeness.



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