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What's with the music?


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I finished a slide show for a client. Looks great and it is until I play the preview and the music is NOT the music I set for the show. It seems it is the music from a previous slide show. I did indeed check project options and the song that begins the preview is NOT on my list of songs for this show.

What is wrong?


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There are two ways to add music to a PTE slide show. The one most used is via Project Options > Music tab

If your slide show displays the correct music in Project Options > Music tab, but is playing something different, then look to see if any music has been added to an individual image.

If that is what you have done, look at the first few slides in your slide show. High-light each one and look up to the top right of the screen. There is an area that will say "add sound" (if there is no sound already added) or it will give the name of the track applied to that image.

It could be that you have the correct sound you want selected in Project Options > Music tab, but that is being overuled by music you have applied to an individual slide. Remove that music and you should then be fine

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