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Producing a slide show for a Netbook presentation


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I have been asked to give an illustrated talk on my visit to Antarctica which I am quite happy to do and I want to produce a PTE slide show where I have control over the slides as I shall be speaking in between showing a group of photos - is this easy to do (I am a newbie to the program which has been recommended) and also I want to use my Acer Netbook with a projector (yet to be purchased). The resolution of the Netbook is 1024 x 600 - will this work? Help please!

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Manually controlled shows are possible. In Project Options...Main ensure that the box "Wait for a key press..." is ticked. With regards to the Netbook PC, if you keep everything simple - just use Fade in/out or Quick transitions, then you shouldn't over-tax your PC's resources. You should consider using Photoshop or equivalent software to resize your images to a maximum of 1024 on the long axis and a maximum of 600 on the short axis. Don't forget to apply some Unsharp Mask afterwards to restore the "lost" sharpness.

Good luck with the presentation. Antarctica is a wonderful place; I've very happy memories of my trip down there.



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Guest Yachtsman1

I also think you need to check the projector will handle 1024x600, if it's SGvA it should be ok. xga not sure about. I should do a trail with the projector before going live or you could have your audience crowding around your netbook. :(


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I am using a Netbook type computer - the ASUS eeePC, and it will do shows at 1024x768 with few problems. I think yours is both faster and has more memory, so you should be all right. You will reach the limit of computer power sooner than someone with a fast desktop model, but aside from excessive pans and zooms you will be fine. Is it easy? Setting up the computer for the projector is a learning process, so be prepared for a few blind alleys. However, I'm sure you can figure it out.

Regarding 1024x600 - I suspect this is the resolution of your computer screen (mine is 800x480). The graphics chip should be able to generate other resolutions, such as 1024x768, which you can use to drive an external monitor or projector.

Since there have been projector/computer misfits (check the threads) you definitely should try to run a PTE show on the projector before you buy, or at least get money-back promises.

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One other comment - I bought a wireless mouse. PTE can program the mouse buttons to control the show, and if the mouse is wireless, you can use it as a remote control. I find that in a typical situation the computer is next to the projector and as a narrator you would rather be off to one side. The 'remote mouse' allows you do that.

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