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speed of new macbook, any information?


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I'll probable move to Apple but I'm not sure about the choice macbook or Imac. I would know if the speed of recent macbooks is sufficient for PTE and what are then the conditions (use of bootcamp or other loader), Windows version...My intention is the use of bootcamp and Windows XP.

Now for presentations by friends and family I haven't a fast laptop but I use a cheap multimedia box (99€) of WD "WDTV" . My AV presentations are created with “HD video for PC and Mac” 1920x1080 high quality. The results are superb and reach almost the exe file quality. I reduce the size of the used slides to the minimum, otherwise pan&zoom isn't smooth any more. My PC with a nVidia 8500GT is faster but without reducing the size of the slides I've got shaking pan&zoom too.

All hints to guarantee smooth pan&zoom are welcome!


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