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This may have been answered before, but as searching on three letter terms isn't allowed I can't tell. (Hint hint! Very useful to be able to search on terms like MP4, AVI etc)!

When I try to export as AVI is does not work. Push the create AVI button and it virtually instantly drops through to the next dialog about burning the resulting AVI to disc. Doesn't seem to matter what settings I use.

However, if I press the preview buttton, it correctly generates the preview file and shows it in Windows Media Player.

Any clues? This is with 5.6.1 beta and also 5.6 beta 18.


The default AVI created by PTE is only a temporary file for use in the next phase of Video-Builder. This form of the AVI cannot be saved and then used in another DVD Burn product such as Nero or Roxio. I'm afraid I don't do any DVD burning but I think you need to take an option in Video-Builder to create a custom file.




if you want a permanent avi you have to make a custom avi

see screenshots

from the help inst's that can be downloaded from links below of this thread

page 12

How can I create an independent video file (not on CD/DVD) and save it on my hard drive?

You can create a custom AVI file:

Click <Video> button, check "Create custom AVI file", then select audio and video codecs: <Audio

codec> and <Video codec> buttons. You can choose any video codec, except "PicturesToExe

video codec". You can select codecs from the lists or use your own codecs. Then click <Create

AVI> button and save your file.







The created temporary AVI, mentioned by Peter, can be used to generate an HD-video in WMV format. After creation, leave PTE open; closing it will delete the temporary AVI, which is a very small file. Then open the AVI with Windows Media Encoder and transcode it to WMV. This will take some time. The video data needed for the WMV creation will be generated by PTE on the fly.




OK now I'm puzzled. How can it be that the AVI is a very small file? (In fact all the time spent creating it was related to the audio...it did not seem to spend any time at all "exporting" the video side of things). And yet, you are correct - when I re-encoded it using Windows Media Encode sure enough the video is indeed somehow pulled through the rocess. Is there some sort of special P2E codec being used here to, in effect, generate the HD video in a deferred fashion as a result of being decoded? I must be missing something...this just seems really odd to me.


The created temporary AVI, mentioned by Peter, can be used to generate an HD-video in WMV format. After creation, leave PTE open; closing it will delete the temporary AVI, which is a very small file. Then open the AVI with Windows Media Encoder and transcode it to WMV. This will take some time. The video data needed for the WMV creation will be generated by PTE on the fly.




It's a similar situation to the PTE file and the EXE file.

The PTE file is very small compared to the EXE file it creates. It is just a set of instructions.


... Is there some sort of special P2E codec being used here to, in effect, generate the HD video in a deferred fashion as a result of being decoded? I must be missing something...this just seems really odd to me.


The temporary AVIs created by PTE use a codec with ID "PTEV" (C:\WINDOWS\system32\ptevideo.dll).

Best regards,


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