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Slideshow then return.........


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Is there a way I can do a 'Run Slideshow and return' from O&A BUT to a different slide than the one launching the second show?

I can't see a straightforward way to achieve this - if it is at all possible!

I'm compiling a menu and don't want to return to the original menu slide (the next one in the sequence is the one I want).

Any thoughts anyone?


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You may try the following:

- In Show1, instead of using 'Run Slideshow with return' (action on mouseclick) use the command 'Run Slideshow', command line: "....Show2.exe".

- In the second show (Show2.exe), called by the first one, use 'Run Slideshow' in Project Options > More with the command line: "....Show1.exe" -slide 27 (provided that you want to retun to slide 27)

Good luck. I did not test this procedure!



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What you ask about suggests to me that you are using a two-page menu. You want a particular sequence that you launch off page 1 to take you to page 2 when it comes to an end. Am I right?

If so, why not build the two pages of the menu as two one-page menus? Then, when the sequence that you want to use to do the page change comes to an end use the Project Options...More...Run application/slideshow at exit to do the Run Slideshow = MenuPage2

This is essentially the same solution as Xaver's but without using the "-slide nn" command value.



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Thanks Xaver and Peter


I suspected this would be the case - and it does work, gets me back to the slide I want OK.


I really needed to get back to the following slide to the one launching the show2.exe. It's not a two page menu but one slide (in a show) with two optional shows to launch from it, but I didn't want to go back to this launch slide - just to another slide in the same show.

Onward & Upwards


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