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Slide unexpectedly inserted...


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I am currently putting together a slideshow from a recent vacation. For the 9th slide, I inserted an image of a map. For the 10th slide, I copied this slide and zoomed-in to the top half of the map. This worked out just find. However, I have noticed that somehow an 11th slide shows up with just the upper few inches of this map in the bottom portion of this slide. So it is not a duplicate of either of my map images. It is just a small portion of this map. How it was created is beyond me. The first 2 times it happened, I just dumped these slide and just ignored it. However, I just noticed that this just happened a 3rd time!!!

I know I did not create the slide. Can anyone tell me what is going on here??? Using 5.61. I attached an image of the inadvertent slide.

Thanks... Gary


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I have no answer to this ~ but I have a question ?...Why are you using the (overlay) Short-Form Office Toolbar

on the side of the PTE Window ??

If this is 'live' whilst creating your Slideshow it may be the reason for the 11th.Slide because Office 'auto-saves'

everything in progress to the Clipboard-Viewer....just a thought !!


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I have always used the Office Shortcut Toolbar on the right side of my Desktop. I think it is a great time saver to have the programs I want quick access to. However, I don't have any of my Office programs doing autosaves. And if somehow there is an 'autosave' going on somewhere, I don't think there is anyway for a slide to be inserted in PTE the way this happened. I just don't see any relationship there. This is just a crazy thing going on that makes no sense to me.




I have no answer to this ~ but I have a question ?...Why are you using the (overlay) Short-Form Office Toolbar

on the side of the PTE Window ??

If this is 'live' whilst creating your Slideshow it may be the reason for the 11th.Slide because Office 'auto-saves'

everything in progress to the Clipboard-Viewer....just a thought !!


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It was just a thought ~ I also used the 'Office Shortcut Toolbar' ~ it is good, except I deleted it after

having problems with an Autodraw-Program called SmartDraw-D3. I found it was making 'Images' on the

PC.Clipboard which I had not commanded. Just ignore my reply, as I said ~ it was a shot in the dark !.

An Example

Below is a Copy of my 'Clipboard' WHICH I HAD NOT COMMANDED and as you see its made a Copy

of this reply superimposed on a previous reply and it done it automatically ~ thats what I'm talking about

and I thought it somehow might be your problem.



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I tested this out. I did a Ctrl C as I would normally do to copy an image in the Slide List. I then tried a Ctrl V to paste it into a Word file. It did not work as Xaver indicated. So, this adds to the mystery as to why my '11th slide' has appeared 3 times. :unsure:



Brian, Goddi,

Most of the copy actions (comments, various text fields, objects in O&A window) are carried out via the Windows Clipboard. Copying slides in the slide list does not make use of it.



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Below is an 'attachment' showing Image 'A-02 Jpeg' which I decided to Copy and IT IS IN THE CLIPBOARD as I had said.

You can clearly see the 'Clipboard Image' superimposed on the origional Image A-02 as proof of same.

If you decide to Edit an Image, that edited Image is saved to the Clipboard before a Save or Save-As command.

The only way of clearing the Clipboard is doing it manually or if you superimpose another action on top of the origional.



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I do not see any contradiction between your statement and mine. There are applications that do not use the clipboard for copying (in particular cases). PTE v5.6.1 is an example when copying slides in the slide list. This may be the reason why it is not possible to copy slides from one running entity of PTE into the slide list of a second one.



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I don't want to waste time with our 'side-discussion' ~ its unfair to Goddi and his particular problem. The point I was

trying to make to Goddi was:-

..."If you decide to Edit an Image, that edited Image is saved to the Clipboard before a Save or Save-As command.

The only way of clearing the Clipboard is doing it manually or if you superimpose another action on top of the origional"...

Some Photo-Editors make an 'auto-copy' of the origional Image once editing is under way. "Photo-Filtre" does this, but

it asks for a 'Duplicate' in case you over-write the original Image then it saves as:- Image(01) in same format as the original.

I had thought this had happened in Goddi's problem and somehow it had inserted the 'Edited-piece' as a partial Image into

the Pte Slide list as the next ascending number. (I had made this error many times in the past).

To say the least its getting that 'partial Image' from somewhere and to do that it must part-replicate from the original ???

thats the problem...but how ?


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...To say the least its getting that 'partial Image' from somewhere and to do that it must part-replicate from the original ???

thats the problem...but how ?



Brian... Just to clarify a bit, Slide #11 (the unexpected inserted slide) really isn't a 'partial image'. In Slide #10, the image of the map is zoomed-in and panned to show the upper half of the map a little better. In Slide #11, this map image shows up as if it was moved down so only part of the top of the map appears. So it is the 'full image' but, somehow, it was panned down to the bottom of the screen's area so only a bit of the top shows. Not sure if I had made this clear or not. So the 'unexpected inserted slide' is not only a full duplicate of the previous image but it is in a different position (zoomed down to the bottom of the screen's area). And the exact same thing happened 3 times....


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Gary (Goddi),

I had another look at this problem -sure is interesting- so I spent a few minutes with my Drawing Program

in order to put it into 'real-world' context and it would appear there is a definite phase-change within the

2nd.Image. It seems to me that the Zoom portion of the 2nd.Image has either flipped over by 270.degree

thus ending up on the bottom of the Image or it has slipped down 90.degree ending up in the bottom.

The 'chopped-off' piece seems to be outside the Frame area.

Either its a 'Program-glitch' or to do with the Processor working with its VGA Adapter - very strange.

See 'attachment' below which might give a clue in helping to resolve the problem...I'm stumped with this one!



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Thanks for the drawing. But the 2nd image didn't really flip over (if I understand your description). The 'extra' image just appeared further down in the Frame area. What is so strange is that something put the 'extra' image there...I know I did not. The 'good' image was zoomed-in. The 'extra' image shows the same image but it is panned down to the bottom of the Frame area. It would make more sense if the 'extra' image was also zoomed-in, but it was not.

I am also stumped...and maybe there is no answer to this....



Gary (Goddi),

I had another look at this problem -sure is interesting- so I spent a few minutes with my Drawing Program

in order to put it into 'real-world' context and it would appear there is a definite phase-change within the

2nd.Image. It seems to me that the Zoom portion of the 2nd.Image has either flipped over by 270.degree

thus ending up on the bottom of the Image or it has slipped down 90.degree ending up in the bottom.

The 'chopped-off' piece seems to be outside the Frame area.

Either its a 'Program-glitch' or to do with the Processor working with its VGA Adapter - very strange.

See 'attachment' below which might give a clue in helping to resolve the problem...I'm stumped with this one!


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Ok...As I was trying to figure out another problem I just found (I'll post it later), IT HAPPENED AGAIN!!!

The same image moved down to the bottom of the Frame area. Two of the 3 text items stayed where they were, but the image and one of the text items moved down.

This is really a goofy thing. And I know I did not move the image or make any adjustment to it. It is just happening by itself. I am attaching what the correct slide looks like (1-CorrectSlide.doc) and the problem slide (2-ProblemSlide.doc).

Here are some more details that might shed some light:

For Slide#9, I cloned the image and then zoomed/panned into the image to show the top of a map. So the image moves from the full map to the upper portion of the map.

For Side#10, I copied Slide#9 and deleted the beginning Keyframe (which showed the full map); then I moved the cloned keyframe (that shows the upper part of the map) to the far left of the animation line, and added text. I did this so Slide#10 will match up with the the zoomed-in image shown at the end of Slide#9.

That is all I have done. Then...now the 4th time, the image gets corrupted as it looks in the '2-ProblemSlide.doc'. I hope I have made this understandable.

Does this shed any light on what is happening??????????????

Thanks... Gary



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