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ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3470


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It appears to be a capable unit ... as long as you are expecting modest and not high end performance.

You did make a wise selection of looking for a unit that supports Avivo HD Video core drivers ... as this greatly benefits in HD Video decoding of H264 using the GPU.

All new prospective (PTE) video card purchasers should make sure the unit has ATI-Avivo HD or NVIDIA-PureVideo HD core sys capabilities to meet the new and future demands of H264 video. Im sure many a PTE user units out there now only support the basic ATI-Avivo or NVIDIA-PureVideo capabilities. Its important to keep ones video card drivers updated to take advantage of the new and ever changing developments in H264- Video.

Heres a link I go to when I need to check on video cards ... you can find your selected unit and its rating among others in the list.


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