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PicturesToExe v4.11 is released.


This version contains two fixes:

* Fixed bug of v4.10 when you was not able to set "Time limited usage" option in new presentations.

* Fixed bug of v4.01 and v4.10 only with synchronized presentations which have Startup Window with added "Exit" button. Presentation closes with error, if user choosed "Exit" button in this Startup window. The problem is fixed now.


Uploaded 4.10 and noticed strange things. Show reacts to keys in different ways, "Space" close the show, arrows move slides and sometimes close show, "Enter" close show....

Is it supposed to be like that or it's my computer ?

Thanks for help




Im using v4.11 ... arrow, enter, pause keys seem to function normally ... using a manual show.

And of course ... using a sync show the enter key is only suppose to function.

cici, are you using a sync show ?

As the arrow and pause keys are not suppose to function in this mode. I dont believe Igor has implemented these keys to control sync shows.


Cici, nobeefstu,

cici, in manual show only the "enter" close show ? all other keys do nothing ?

stu, what you mean "keys seem to function normally" ? meaning doing nothing or doing something ? and why keys on cici's computer act different then mine ? hope other members will check too.

Just trying to add some hot keys to a new voice utility (play few sounds files from one slide) but I realized those hot keys make my show crazy working on the show instead of the utility.




I believe cici's act differently because he has a sync show setting ... in which only the enter key would function.

As for mine acting normally ...they function as to arrows advance/back slide, enter to close, and space to advance, and pause to pause.

I dont know if you will be able to trap those function keys if PTE has already. Maybe if your application traps the key functions first ... it may over ride PTE's control over their use ( or vise-versa).

I usually dont trap same key functions of 2 programs running together .... so I guess its just keep testing.

to arrows advance/back slide, enter to close, and space to advance, and pause to pause.

Thanks Stu, I didn'y know that.

As for keys, I'll have to use others, which are not so popular.




If you Press F1 to get HELP WINDOW ... it shows you the HOTKEYS PTE uses.

Help about hot keys:


This help message

<Space, Down, Right, Right mouse click>

Go to the next slide

<BkSpace, Up, Left>

Go to the previous slide


Pause / Resume

<Esc, Left mouse click>

Exit presentation

I believe cici's act differently because he has a sync show setting ... in which only the enter key would function

Yes, you are right, Nobeefestu, I was acting on a sync show.

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