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Guest Techman1

Hello all,

I'm saddened to let you know that a member and friend of our forum recently passed away. I received a message from Cherokee40 (I'm sorry I don't know your actual name) to let us know that Harry passed away on March 31st. Here is the message from her:

Harry was a very close friend of mine. He died on March 31, 2009 at VA Hospital. You may view information on this webpage http://moonlightflower.org/FCDance.html. Harry was an active member of your forum. He is who got me started with creating slide presentations. I will miss him greatly. We were very close friends. My husband and I had big plans for Harry to participate in Senior Games as a swimmer.

A Tribute Site to Harry Fitzner - Moonlightflower.org

Harry joined the forum in December of 2004. Many of you will remember Harry and have helped him (Ken, Lin & many others) over the years with his slideshows.

I know I will miss him and wish his family all the best.



Hi Fred,

That's sad news - I've wondered how Harry was doing but had not heard from him in some time. He will be greatly missed here. Our deepest condolences to his friends and family.

Lin & Sherry


Harry was quite the fun and interesting character with some of his topics and posts ... esp when it cane to sorting his old hand-me-down pc issues.

He will be missed here ... I wish his family and friends all the best.


for the few of us that remember Harry

see some of his posts


Harry could only dream of having a system that could handle 5.6

i wrote him a month back to get a copy of 4.49

Harry always found a way to put his pictures up - -he was one of the early ones to use youtube and msn messenger - i chatted with him a few times on msn messenger

some criticized him and his shows/picts but it only drove him harder to make do with what he had

Harry hope ya got your dancin' shoes with you to entertain the folks up there



I too, of course, remember Harry and am saddened by his passing. My sincerest prayers are for his family. Possibly the friend who brought this to our attention can also pass on to his family the comments from this forum. Harry was an inspiration to me. I remember very early in this forum, he shared that he was dealing with residual health problems, I think from his military service(?) At the same time, Harry was one of the first to "go get 'em". He was beating the pavement to find customers for his PTE presentations. I think he landed a local community center or similar as a buyer for his photos presented in PTE. Seeing him going full steam ahead is what inspired me. In contrast, I tend to gather facts and analyze way too long. So it was Harry's example that helped me to become a little better about sharing my photography and AV interests. Thanks Harry.

Guest Techman1


I did forward this post to Cherokee40, which as it turns out is a lady named Carolyn. I hope she will in turn pass along all the comments from here to Harry's family.

I too always remember Harry trying to get his older generation PC to run various PTE Slideshows. Even PTE 5.0, didn't stop him from trying ... it only made him more determined to make it work. He certainly wasn't afraid to try anything new and always seemed to make it work one way or another.



I knew Harry only through his activity here on the forum. Through our occasional dialogues I came to think of him, as I do all those who participate regularly here, as a friend (an e-friend, as I call such folks).

My thoughts and prayers are with his family at this sad time.


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