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Thanks granot, that's great news, I'm sure it will interest a lot of people. Thank you for that too.

I just downloaded the file and I can see that you included the HideShow TaskBar tool.

I didn't try it yet but is this version of ShowVideoPTE compatible with Vista ?

(There was a problem to write in a temporary file with previous version).


Thank you for for sharing this utility again. I just tried it for the first time - I liked it as is, and can use it, but have some suggestions, questions.

I am using it in PTE mode, not exe mode, that is, I put the exe statement in customize slide, and test it by running in preview mode - both from the beginning of the timeline, or by rightclicking the slide being customized. I have not created an exe file and tested it. My show advances by right clicking the mouse, not on a set time.

In preview mode, it runs one number greater than the one in the customizing exe statement. For example, I put in ShowVideoPTE.exe 1 and the movie that runs is 2.wmv, I put in 2 and it runs 3, etc.

The movie runs in about half of full screen size. Is there a way to have it run in full screen mode?

Again, thank you very much for producing this utility. :)

  thedom said:
Thanks granot, that's great news, I'm sure it will interest a lot of people. Thank you for that too.

I just downloaded the file and I can see that you included the HideShow TaskBar tool.

I didn't try it yet but is this version of ShowVideoPTE compatible with Vista ?

(There was a problem to write in a temporary file with previous version).

This version does not write to a file.

Should be compatible with Vista (I use XP so I can't try it).


  RalphA said:
Thank you for for sharing this utility again. I just tried it for the first time - I liked it as is, and can use it, but have some suggestions, questions.

I am using it in PTE mode, not exe mode, that is, I put the exe statement in customize slide, and test it by running in preview mode - both from the beginning of the timeline, or by rightclicking the slide being customized. I have not created an exe file and tested it. My show advances by right clicking the mouse, not on a set time.

In preview mode, it runs one number greater than the one in the customizing exe statement. For example, I put in ShowVideoPTE.exe 1 and the movie that runs is 2.wmv, I put in 2 and it runs 3, etc.

The movie runs in about half of full screen size. Is there a way to have it run in full screen mode?

Again, thank you very much for producing this utility. :)

I will add an option for full screen.

About the problem with the file numbers. Are you sure because it is ok on my PC.

"half of full screen size" - did you use "VidSet.ini" or without it ?



Hi and Help!

Does this work with PTE v5.6?

I just tried it (ie customise slide -> run external application etc, having set up a 'Movies' folder and renamed the files 1,2.... ).

Must be doing something wrong because PTE ignores all that and just runs the normal slideshow.




I uploaded new version.

Now you write all data in the PTE file, no need to include any other files.

added full screen option.

Here is from the Readme file:

On your slide use "Run external application" to run "ShowVideoPTE.exe" with 2 or 4 parameters (notice the space between parameters).

First parameter: Name of file (must be a number like 1.mpg, 2.avi, 3.mpg).

Second parameter: 1 if full screen, 0 if not full screen, 2 if in center of screen.

If 1 or 2 then no need for parameters 3 and 4.


ShowVideoPTE.exe 2 1 - (video named 2 will be displayed in full screen)


ShowVideoPTE.exe 3 2 - (video named 3 will be displayed in center screen)

Third parameter: X position on screen.

Forth parameter: Y position on screen.


ShowVideoPTE.exe 1 0 300 100 - (video named 1 will be displayed in x=300, y=100 position)


  wideangle said:
Does this work with PTE v5.6?

I just tried it (ie customise slide -> run external application etc, having set up a 'Movies' folder and renamed the files 1,2.... ).

Must be doing something wrong because PTE ignores all that and just runs the normal slideshow.

Same problem here.

I am under Vista. I will try the same project and same files with XP on a laptop and will let you know how it works...

  thedom said:
Same problem here.

I am under Vista. I will try the same project and same files with XP on a laptop and will let you know how it works...

Sorry Dom

I forgot to mention that I was using XP.



  thedom said:
Same problem here.

I am under Vista. I will try the same project and same files with XP on a laptop and will let you know how it works...

Same problem with XP too wideangle.

I created a folder and put "ShowVideoPTE.exe" in it.

I created a subfolder named "Movies", put my video in it and rename it 1.avi.

In PTE, I created a slide that uses "Run External application" with "ShowVideoPTE.exe 1 2" as parameter.

But no video played when running the slideshow....

Am I doing something wrong ?


Hi Granot,

Long time since I lasted talked you ... hope all is well.

Since Dom and Wideangle have reported issues testing your v2 video tool ... thought I check it out on my XP.

Your video tool seems to work on my XP in initial testing. The taskbar does flash on playing video.

Using PTE v5.61 ... heres my findiings:

-Using Buttons to execute ShowVideoPTE.exe on a Slide plays video as according to parameters set.

-Using Customize Slide to execute ShowVideoPTE.exe on Slide 1 appears to have some issues in playing video. Sometimes plays ... sometimes no.

-Using Customize Slide to execute ShowVideoPTE.exe on Slide 2 and then Slide 3 appears to play according to parameters set.

- Note : to play .mp4 files just rename extention to .avi

Note to users : Make sure you have your PTE Slideshow.exe and ShowVideoPTE.exe in the same folder (side by side). The relative Movies folder just contains the movie files.


Full screen works, thank you. The toolbars flash on and off at start and end of each movie - I am using hidevideopte.

There is still a problem with the names. I set up 7 test videos 1.avi is a video of the number 1, 2.avi is a video of the number 2, etc. I have about 15 slides in my show. The 2nd one is customized for: ShowVideoPTE.exe 7.avi 1

The 4th one ShowVideoPTE.exe 6.avi 1 and so on. My movies are every other slide and I should show 7 6 5 4 3. What I see is 5 4 3 2 6

I'm using PTE Deluxe 5.6. I'm attaching a jpg showing my customization screen

I can send a zip file of my project if you have an email that can accept a 55M file.


  boxig said:
Hi to all

Due to many requests to this lost utility, I made a quick new version.

Download ShowVideoPTE

Please your comments and remarks here and i will try to improve it.



I am following all discussion on this subject which seams very interesting to me, as I feel candidate to use it soon!

In fact, I think it would be interesting to "mix" slides with video in the same PTE show.

I didn't try it yet, but I should very much appreciate if someone could "put on the air" a slideshow showing this feature, in order to see it working in a practical way. Would it be possible?

Thanks very much,

Best regards,



Since I made some changes an hour after uploading the new version, and than uploaded again, please download current version just to be sure you have the latest.

Please notice these examples of the command:

First parameter: Name of file

Notice: files must be like 1.mpg, 2.avi, 3.mpg but in the command put only the number without the extention.

Second parameter: 0 or 1 or 2

0 Not full screen

1 Full screen (no need for parameters 3 and 4)

2 Center of screen (no need for parameters 3 and 4)


ShowVideoPTE.exe 2 1 - (video named 2 will be displayed in full screen)


ShowVideoPTE.exe 3 2 - (video named 3 will be displayed in center screen)

Third parameter: X position on screen.

Forth parameter: Y position on screen.


ShowVideoPTE.exe 1 0 300 100 - (video named 1 will be displayed in x=300, y=100 position)


Thanks for the check. As I undersand there are only two problems:

1. Taskbar flash on start and end of video play.

2. First slide does not always run the utility.

....to add my findings:

3. When go to previous slide, in most cases the PTE send the command of the slide you exit from and not of the silde you go to.

As for taskbar problem we can use "HideShowTB.exe" to show it or add parameter 0 to hide it like this: HideShowTB.exe 0

On first slide: HideShowTB.exe 0

On project options,Advancsd, Run app after last slide: HideShowTB.exe

To force PTE to run "HideShowTB.exe" (show) on exit (in case user do not reach the last slide) I remember the old way from old PTE version like this:

open .pte file with Notepad and change this line




Now open with PTE and compile.

I will try to solve this problem in another way.

As for first slide problem, I guess you can avoid run video on first slide. I don't know why this happens.

As for the problem on going to previous slide, please let me know if you have any idea why is this.


See the commands above, do not include the ".avi" but only the file name (number).



Wideangle and I can't make it work.

Could anybody post a complete project including the exe (and the zipped PTE project), ShowVideoPTE and the avi file to verify if we made something wrong or if there is a real problem with some PC ?


  boxig said:

See the commands above, do not include the ".avi" but only the file name (number).


I'm still having problems with wrong movies being executed. I updated my files with your latest download. The ShowVideoPTE.exe file is dated 5/6/2009 8:11pm, but the HideShowTB.exe is dated 2/25/2006 5:55am.

The execution problem is stranger than I first thought. I created a new set of test images - just images of the words photo 1, 2 .. thru photo 10. I executed movies on photos 2,4,6,8... in the timeline. The movie actually executed didn't match the one in the customization statement.

The strangest thing - I thought maybe the hideshowtb not working was because it was in the first slide, so I also put a hideshowtb statement in the second slide. When I previewed the show and clicked on the 2nd slide (my show requires a mouse click to advance), a movie played. I double checked the customization statement and it had hideshowtb.exe 0

I uploaded my entire test folder, which includes images to rapidshare.com


I've never used rapidshare before, so hope it works for you.

For those of you who don't have it working at all yet, I have it in the folder that contains my PTE file. The same folder has the Movies folder, the show and hide exe files, and I am testing using Preview in PTE - not the resulting pte exe file.



On slide 2 you have too many spaces between parameters.

Do not include video with number 0, start with 1.

Run HideShowTB.exe from project options (see: Readme) and not on last slide, and change the 1 to 0 in this line "opt_runapponexitiflastslide=1" before compiling.



Granot and RalphA,

I'm still having problems with wrong movies being executed.

My tests also indicate the improper execution of the named avi sequence. However ... it seems to be a issue with PTE and not ShowVideoPTE tool.

It appears PTE v5.61 may have a bug/issue when using Customize Slide - Run Application file string with parameters. Make your slideshow in PTE v5.52 and avi execution sequence is normal and plays as expected. Tests also reveal avi execution on Slide 1 now works.

I have not tested ShowVideoPTE tool with PTE v5.60 or v5.63 to verify if Customize Slide - Run Applixation issues exist in these versions of PTE.

Note : Will users and testers please specify exact version of PTE being used so as to help isolate this issue.


Hi Boxig,

Long time since I have seen you on the forum!

I am watching this thread on 'Adding video to a PTE slide show'

What is the link for downloading the latest version please?

Ron West


Granot, Nobeefstu, thanks for the new information. I am using PTE 5.60 on Win XP with current updates.

After correcting the extra blank problem Granot mentioned, setting up the exit hidetoolbars ok and renaming my 0.avi file to 8.avi, I am still getting some very strange problems. I have put a new zip file with my slightly revised files out to rapidshare again: http://rapidshare.com/files/230678616/PTE_Projects_Test.zip

I don't have 5.2 so can't test that version. But here is the test case: My first slide has the hide toolbar 0, the 2nd slide has no application - just a normal slide. The 2rd slide is just a normal slide. The 4th slide should execute movie 7, the 5th slide is normal and the 6th slide excutes move 6. Each slide is manual advance on right mouse and backup on left mouse.

If I Preview the show and click until I get to the 4th slide, move 6 runs. Continuing to click thru to the 6th slide, move 5 runs.

So now I go back to Preview again, but this time I just click slide 1, then slide 2. Then I left click to go back to the first slide (which has the hide toolbar excute) movie 7 runs?!

In a separate thread Dom (I think, don't know how to check without losing my text so far) includes part of a Readme which I think is from the original ShowVideoPTE. That readme talks about a temporary file, and a utility to reset it. Don't know if that relates to this problem.



It works fine on version 5.0 if compiled to exe.

But on my pc it does not run the "HideShowTB.exe" after last slide (?).

BTW, if you upload a new file, please upload only the pte and not the whole 54 MB.



RalphA and Granot,

To report further test results with ShowVideoPTE.exe and other PTE versions :

PTE v4.49, v5.52, and most recent build v5.63 tests shows avi execution sequence is normal and plays as expected. I used 4 avi files for testing. Tests also reveal avi execution on Slide 1 using PTE v4.49, v5.52 works normal and as expected ... however it seems v5.63 has a internal bug/issue to execute any type of file on Slide 1. I have not yet tested the various Pte versions using the HideShowTB.exe file.

Therefore ... at the moment its best to use latest release PTE v5.63 to build your slideshows when wanting to use ShowVideoPTE tool. Igor will have to look into a possible bug issue on Slide 1 Customize Slde - Run External Application.


I finally succeeded to make it work.

I don't know exactly what I made wrong.

Anyway with last version of PTE (5.6.3) and last version of ShowVideoPTE, there is no problem under Vista.

For my need, I don't want the slideshow to become inactive when videos play to let the music of the PTE slideshow to play continiously over the videos.

That's why I UNticked this option (in Project Options | Main tab).

And it works perfectly.

I have a final issue with the taskbar though.

It appears temporarily during half a second before and after each video.

Is there a way to fix this ?

UPDATE : actually, after reading nobeefstu's post (just above ! :lol:) , I ran HideShowTB on slide 2 (instead of 1) and it works.

The only problem is that the whole taskbar does not disappear. The windows "Start" button on the left of the taskbar continue to appear temporarily.

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