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I have a large number of JPG images of birds that are named Common Name - Genus specie.jpg. There must be a better way to add the bird names to the bottom of each slide than how I'm doing it. For each slide, I click Add Text, Insert text template (Picture name), change Times New to Arial, delete the word Text in the middle of the image, resize text added from Template, relocate text to bottom of image and click Close. I'm using 5.6.3.

1. How make Arial the default Face?

2. How to set a template (eg., Picture name) to be on by default.




1. Insert the birds into the slide list.

2. Go to 'Project Options > Comments'. Insert template 'Picture Name', and click 'Set for existing slides'. In the same way, choose font, position and other settings.

3. Insert other images without text.




Thanks, Xaver.

I was doing the 'Set for existing slides' as you suggest, but I did it for the Title of the talk, which I wanted to appear at the top of each slide. I wanted the common name etc of the bird to appear at the bottom. But, your suggestion made it so much easier to automatically add the bird names that I decided to include both the title and the bird name at the bottom of the slide.

If there is a way to designate text at the top and Picture name at the bottom, I'd be even happier.



1. Insert the birds into the slide list.

2. Go to 'Project Options > Comments'. Insert template 'Picture Name', and click 'Set for existing slides'. In the same way, choose font, position and other settings.

3. Insert other images without text.




That sounds like a good way to go. I'll give it a try shortly. I assume with this approach that I can put the title of the talk at the top and the slide specific text at the bottom.

Good ole right click. I never tried that on the text comment.

Thanks for your help.


A slightly more graphical user friendly way to design the comment text for your slides is to add text to a single slide with proper size/font/color, right click on the text and set the Text comment option.

Then from the main menu select Slide, Select Comments on All Slides = Current One (or type Ctrl+M).




My experience is that any titling should be put at the top. If showing

to an audience generally only the first few rows can see the

bottom of the screen. It might look good on your monitor but it

can be annoying if you are at the back of a hall!

Regards, Roger


Thanks, Roger. Good point! The voice of experience talking.



My experience is that any titling should be put at the top. If showing

to an audience generally only the first few rows can see the

bottom of the screen. It might look good on your monitor but it

can be annoying if you are at the back of a hall!

Regards, Roger

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