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No sound in EXE


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I have just produced a slideshow with an accompanying soundtrack. It plays OK in the Preview window but as soon as I save it as an EXE there's no sound. I've tried saving the soundtrack as both OFF and WAV but it makes no difference.

Help! :)

Is there an option that I need to turn on or off?


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Normally, sound that works in the Preview should work in an Exe-presentation, as well. Can you reproduce your effect by creating a very short sequence (1 or 2 slides, and a short sound), and prepare a download for a zip-backup of the whole sequence?


Xaver H.


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I'm not sure what's going on here ...

It is nice to see that you problem has been solved. For a experienced user is it much easier to provide some help if he has got a practical example, rather than making guesses based on some vague problem description.

Best regards,


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