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Need help creating a mask

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I have been trying, without success, to get the right dimensions for a mask. Just a bog standard rectangle mask with a cut out, to enable me to use the zoom function without seeing the edges of the image.

I set the size of my attempt at 3400 x2200 but it just doesnt cover the image or fill the screen, thus allowing me to zoom the image sucessfully. I'm fairly sure this is a basic question but I need to know what outside dimensions masks should be to fill the screen.

Any help would be appreciated.


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The "size" of the image for the mask is relatively unimportant. What is important is the aspect ratio. You only need to find the aspect ratio of the monitor or display you are using and make the mask the same. Then "size" the mask in PTE in the Object's List and when you have determined the proper size just use the same zoom figure for each image.

If you want, you can then permanently resize the mask in Photoshop, etc., and use is for all your image of the same aspect ratio. You can turn the mask 90 degrees and use it then for portrait mode as well.

Displays are typically either 3:2 (rare), 4:5, 16:9 or 16:10 aspect ratio depending on the manufacturer. Digital camera images from most dSLR's are 3:2 (such as to exactly fit a frame of 8x12 inches, etc.) or from an Olympus or Panasonic dSLR it is 4:3. From consumer digicams typically the aspect ratio is also 4:3 which fits perfectly on an 8x10 frame.

So first determine the aspect ratio of your images and display. If necessary, crop the images to the same aspect ratio of your display then make the frame the same aspect ratio as the display and your problems will be solved. Remember though, if the show is displayed on a different display having a different aspect ratio there will be unavoidable issues.

You "may" only need to size the mask in PTE to fill the frame of your display. It would help if you would post one image from your camera and your present mask. Then we could look at it and give more specific help.

Best regards,


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