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I would like to capture a Google Earth sequence (a "fly" from Paris to Tokyo) to insert the animation in PTE as .jpg images.

The fly in Google Earth is perfectly smooth but the capture I get with Camtasia of this "fly" is very jerky.

I modified the parameters of the codec (divx) to decrease the quality of the capture, decreased the size of the area selected Camstudio will record (down to about 900x600) but the best I could get is about 2 to 3 frames per second maximum.

Did anybody already had a good result with Google Earth and Camtasia (or any other screen recorder) ?

Any idea on how to improve it ?

Thanks for your help.


I think that JPD produced a very impressive sequence using Google Earth but it was a long while ago could be a couple of years.

Kind regards




To be honest I only read the description of Universal Maps Downloader v4.4, I didn't try it but I don't think that's what I'm looking for.

But thanks for searching.


Yes I remember JPD's demo. It was an improvement of my "GoogleEarth Zoom demo" ( http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index....ost&p=29116 )

If I remember correctly, JPD's result was much smoother than mine but his zoom was much smaller.

To have a smooth zoom, I think you have to multiply the number of capture.

But actually this time, I don't want to make a zoom. I really want to capture the Google Earth "fly to" movement (zoom and pan combined).

I'm sure it's possible to have a decent result to simulate such an effect in PTE but I don't want to spend time on it.


Thank you very much for mentionning FRAPS. I don't mind the watermark.

I had much better result with this software than with Camtasia (about ten fps)

But I guess FRAPS still needs a lot of ressources to make the capture because this time, when I record the sequence, that's Google Earth sequence that is not smooth anymore.

I keep looking and will let you know if I can have a good result with FRAPS or with an other software.


Hi Dom,

I think the issue may be the bitrate. If you have the option, set the bitrate much higher than the default and see if this helps smooth out things. I had a similar issue when I was trying to capture the spinning Earth for one of my planets sequences where I decompiled the video and used individual sequenced frames. I think I was using Screen Recorder Gold (It's been a while) and I found that to get smooth capture I had to jack up the bitrate. Some codecs support this and others don't seem to have an accessible setting.

Best regards,


Guest Techman1


I know I had tried this on a project last year and wasn't very impressed with anything I could come up with. Everything was too jerky for me when played back. I finally gave up on the google earth idea and created something else for my clients. I believe I just downloaded a high-res version of the side of the earth I was wanting and zoomed in and panned across to obtain the effect I was after. Not sure if this will work for you, but good luck. If you do come up with something that works smoothly, please post your results and your method used.

Take care and good luck,




I too have had problems trying to achieve this in the past, finally I admitted defeat and used a map scan. If you have some success I also would be very interested in the method you use.


I solved this issue in a more manual fashion.

I selected a good map zoom level and started taking screenshoots.

After each screenshot, manually scrolled the map near the previous screen edge

and took another screenshot, and so on.

After that, cropped out all the surrounding interface graphics (included the google

logo) and finally sticked all together with photoshop automation function.

Then I could produce several resolution maps to use in a pan sequence

directly within PTE.

Nice result, absolutely smooth, but lot of work.

Greets! Umberto

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